F2F Class Notes (Lily) 


go Canada to travel –> go on a trip/ go traveling

I very hate –> I hate (      ) very much= I really hate (        )


1.accent = 口音
ex: He has a strong Chinese accent when he speaks English.
ex: She has a French accent when she speaks English.

2.pilot= someone who operates the plane
ex: My friend is a pilot

3.common= very regular 普遍
ex: Salmon is a very common food in Canada.

4. translate (verb)= to change Chinese to English 翻译
translation (noun)= 翻译
translator = the person who translate
ex: You need to get your driver license translated.

5. average= 平均
ex: The average salary in Shanghai is ¥5000-10000
ex: The average height of men in Shanghai is around 178cm.

6. fresh= new 新鲜
ex: In Vancouver, the seafood are very very fresh.

7. economy class= 经济舱
business class = 商务舱
ex: If you want to fly economy class to Canada, it’s around 6000yuan.

8. corrupted= 堕落 腐败
ex: Your school is very corrupted. hahahha

9.oysters =生蚝 ¥10/oyster
lobsters= 龙虾
crab= 蟹
mussels =青口
shrimp= 虾
tiger prawn = 老虎虾
salmon= 三文鱼🍣
tuna= 金枪鱼