F2F Class Notes (Lily)


1. 0.5 hour= half an hour
1.5 hour= one and a half hour
2.5 hours= two and a half hours

ex: I will talk to you for half an hour.

2. midnight= 12am
ex: I sleep after midnight. 

3. break (verb)= 弄断
(noun)= 休息
ex: (verb): I broke my nose today when I was riding the bike.
(noun): I’m so tired, I need a break. Can I have a 10 mins break?
(verb): I broke up with my girlfriend last night.  “let’s break-up”
(noun): I’m so tired from training, I have to take a break.

4.- tion  : action notification correction
ex: when you add- tion to a verb, you change it to a noun.

5. correct–>correction= (noun) 订正
correct (verb)= 纠正
ex: (verb)Lily, could you correct my pronunciation if I say something wrong?
(verb)Could you correct my homework? 你能帮我改作业吗?
(noun) Please do your correction at home.

6.- est : tallest smartest laziest richest 最(   )
ex: When you use “-est” at the end of an adjective, it means the most (    ).

7. tallest:最高
ex: YaoMing is the tallest person in his family.

8. wash dishes= 洗碗
do the laundry= 洗衣服
sweep =扫地
buy the groceries/ grocery shopping=买菜