F2F Class Notes (Lily)


short vowel: aeiou 啊诶噎喔呃

hat nat bat fat rat mat lad vat slap
net pet yet let wet sed bet red
nit rid fit pit lit bit dip kit
not rot bot hot lot pot jog
hug bug pug mug tug rug luck puck buck duck

My hat is in the hut.

I let your pet run a lap.

I want to get rid of my son.

two= letter u sound ** two=to=too

nice to meet you too


1.C-section= cut open the tummy and give birth to the baby
ex: I did C-section a few years ago.

2. natural birth/ labour =顺产
ex: Mothers recover faster from natural labour.

3. ketchup (kech up)= 番茄酱
ex: Excuse me, do you have ketchup? May I have some ketchup?
ex: I eat fries with ketchup. I dip my fries in the ketchup.

4.slap= 打耳光
ex: my mom slapped me today!
ex: My mom slapped my butt today!


how much weight is your daughter? –> How much does your daughter weigh?