F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]


Write about your cat: anything interesting happened between you and your cat? *short story

Speaking exercise

I went to shop at kunshan this morning, and went back to home for lunch. Then from Judy on wechat, she told me I can come to the class earlier, so I changed my train. I come to study English by train from Kunshan to Shanghai. It takes about 15 mins.  I think my English is not very good, I speaking and listen, I want to have a good improve on speaking English.

Q: What have you done at home to improve your English?

Read some stories, no any speak chances.  Sometimes listen some English songs.


I went shopping in kunshan this morning, and went back home for lunch. Then from Judy told me/ notified me on wechat that I can come to the class earlier, so I changed my train schedule. I come to study English by train from Kunshan to Shanghai. It takes about 15 mins.  I think my English is not very good, especially speaking and listening, I want to improve more with speaking English.

Q: What have you done at home to improve your English?

I read some stories,I don’t have any chances to speak English.  Sometimes, I listen to some English songs.


  1. especially= what you prefer/hate over other things

ex: I like all kinds of noodles, especially woodon.

ex: I like sweet food/ desserts, especially cakes.

2. desserts= cakes, pie, fruits, waffles, usually sweet food after a meal

ex: Tiramisu is a very popular dessert.

3. embarrassed= shame to

ex: When I speak to a lot of people, I feel embarrassed.


short vowel:a,e,i,o,u

long vowel: a,e,i,o,u

bad, bate, cage, hate, Nate

bed, pet, pete,

pit, bid, kit, kite, hike, bike

nod, pod, pot, nose, hose,pose, cone,bone, alone, prone

hug, bug, huge, puke, nude, dude

said= sed

side=s -ide  *letter i sound

researcher= RE searcher

they= dey

this is= dis is

to do =two du


Baby Talk

A study said mothers across the world speak to their babies in the same way. Researchers from the Baby Lab at Princeton University said “motherese” is a universal language. It is not just cute noises and coochy-coos. The words and sounds mothers say to babies are quite complex. They are a special form of communication. Mothers use them in the same way across the world. They help the language development in babies. Dr Elise Piazza, co-author of the research, said baby talk is more important than we thought. She said: “It is not something to be embarrassed about at all.”

The researchers recorded 24 different mothers talking to babies aged between seven months and one year. The mothers spoke 10 different languages, including English, Mandarin and Russian. Dr Piazza said: “We basically brought mothers into the lab and had them play with and read to their own babies, just like they would at home.” She said mothers changed the quality of their voices when speaking to babies, in any language. The study didn’t look at fathers’ talk, but Piazza said that it is likely fathers would also speak to their babies in a similar way across the world.