F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S]

Speaking exercise


Last Saturday, I went to see the movie Spiderman with my friend. We went to the Daguangming theater. I think watch movie is a good experience. The movie is funny and Spiderman is a hot young man.  I recommend the movie with you.

Last Saturday, I went to see the movie Spiderman with my friend. We went to the Daguangming theater. I think watching movie is a good experience. The movie is funny and Spiderman is a hot young man.  I recommend the movie to you.

Iphone 8

I like Iphone X, you can use face ID. Men are afraid sleep in night because maybe his wife can use his face to look at his phone. Girls must put on makeup if they are without makeup, maybe the iphone won’t recognize. I think it’s expensive.

I like Iphone X, you can use face ID. Men will be afraid sleep at night because maybe his wife can use his face to access his phone. Girls must put on makeup if they wish to access their phone. If they are without makeup, maybe the iphone won’t recognize them.. I think it’s expensive.


theater =a place where you watch movie

ex: I went to the theater last night

skip it = omit/ avoid

ex: I don’t know how to do this question, can I skip it?

ex: skip the class= to go somewhere to play and not go to the class

other than= chu le, except for/

Do you like any other fruits other than apples?

recommend= suggest

Would you recommend this restaurant to your friends?