F2F Class Notes (Lily)


To what extent can teachers discipline students? Why is this an issue?


st- sd : stand standard stip stink stamp stomp stone stake

str- sdr :stream strip strap struggle struggling


1.trim= 修剪
ex: trim the flowers
ex: trim your nails.

2. filer= 磨甲刀
ex: I like to use the filer to shape my nails.

3. incomparable= cannot be compared
ex: the hotels in Hawaii are incomparable to the ones in Shanghai.

4.resignation letter= “quit letter”
ex: She needs to approve my resignation letter.

5. self- disciplined= 自律
discipline (verb)= 管束
ex: He is very self-disciplined.
ex: To what extent can teachers discipline students?

6. reservation (for rooms/ tickets/ things)
appointment (for people)
ex: I have an appointment with Judy at 3pm.
ex: You have an appointment with the dentist/ doctor/ boss/ lawyer
ex: I’d like to make a reservation at 6pm for 7 people.
ex: I have a reservation under Lily.

7. stink / stinky
ex: this place stinks!/ this place is so stinky!
ex: I love stinky tofu!
ex: If you don’t take a shower for 5 days, you will be stinky.
ex: My hair is very stinky after going to the club.


for +time
for 2 days/ for 3 hours/ for 1 min

once/twice/ 5 times= occurance
I’ve been to Disneyland twice/ two times. 
I wash my hair twice a week.

I exercise once every 2 weeks. 

every 2 weeks= every other week
every 2 years= every other year



Me and Rowley decide to team up and do a cartoon together. So after school today he came over to my house, and we got to work. We banged out a bunch of characters real quick, but that turned out to be the easy part. When we tried to think up some jokes, we kind of hit a wall. I finally came up with a good solution. I made up a cartoon where the punch line of every strip is “Zoo- Wee- mama”. That way we wouldn’t get bagged down with having to write actual jokes, and we could concentrate on the pictures.