F2F Class Notes (Lily)


write about a short-term goal for 2021


1. chubby (adj)= 圆嘟嘟
ex: your baby is so chubby, she has a chubby face.

2. billion= 10亿
ex: there are 1.4 billion population in China.

3. million= include 百万 千万 亿
ex: 30 million= 3000万


Person + verb. +( time +with who+where)
I like to eat burgers (on the weekends with my friends in Shake Shack)

There is… There are….

It’s (adj) to….
it’s hard to wake up in the morning.
It’s difficult to control my diet.
It’s easy to spend money in the shopping mall.

Writing exercise

When you are firs time visits to Taiwan, you can see a lot of motorcycle on the road, even the transport is convenience.

The cash and credit card are a popular useful, is not like China has Wechat wallet or Alipay, you can pay for taxi, shopping or food, even then street vendor has, but you can see them in cvs, shopping center and food course.

The night food courses are one of the Taiwan famous culture, every city has their own food courses, Taipei has five or six, each them has their feature.

Food in Taiwan is good value, you can have 2 or 3 dish and is amount 20~30 CNY for one meal.

Taxi is expensive in Taiwan, start charge amount 40 CNY.


When it’s your first time to Taiwan, you can see a lot of motorcycles on the road, the transportation is convenient.

It’s popular to use cash and credit card, compared to China where you use Wechat wallet or Alipay, you can pay for taxi, shopping or food, even with the street vendors. In TW, you can see Alipay in Cvs, shopping centers and food courts. /In Taiwan, You could use Alipay in CVS, shopping centers and restaurants. 

The night markets are one of the most popular tourist attraction sites in TW, every city has their own food specialties/ night markets. There are several night markets in Taipei with special features. 

Food in Taiwan/Taiwanese food are in a good value, you can have/enjoy/eat 2 or 3 dish for 20~30 CNY.

Taxi is expensive in Taiwan, the minimum charge is around 40 CNY/ the starting charge is 40 CNY.