F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


in what ways do income influence behavior?


1.keen on XX= really like XX
ex:Young couples are keen on holidays.

2. pointless (adj)= 没点
ex: If you don’t go trick-or-treating on Halloween, then it’s a bit pointless.

3. tooth fairy= 小牙仙
ex: The tooth fairy will come at night and give you a present in exchange for your tooth.

4. materialistic (adj)= 物质的
ex: Girls are more materialistic than boys.

5. gold-digger= 拜金
ex: Lots of girls are gold diggers because money come too fast.

Speaking exercise

One co-worker, she asked the me, the children believe in Santa Claus. Her son is 10 years old, he thinks it’s not true. But my co-worker, she wants to tell her son, it’s a true. But your son is 10 years old, why you insist to  say that. My daughter is 4 years old, and she knows it’s not true. She said she wants the children to be naive.

My husband is a person who will pay attention to this details. Sometimes he will prepare for some presents and some events for the special holiday. We will spend time to have some special holidays. If we are free, we will do that.

Last year, we invited some friends to our home and children played themselves. We decorate our small Christmas tree every year.


One co-worker asked me, do the children believe in Santa Claus? Her son is 10 years old, he thinks it’s not true. But my co-worker insists to tell her son that it’s a true. But your son is 10 years old, why would you say that. My daughter is 4 years old, and she knows it’s a fairytale. She said she wants the children to remain naive.

My husband is a person who will pay attention to the festival details. Sometimes he will prepare for some presents and some activities for the special holiday. We will spend time to celebrate the festivals. If we are free, we will celebrate them, but not intentionally. 

Last year, we invited some friends to our home and children played among themselves. We decorate our small Christmas tree every year.