F2F Class Notes (Lily)


my some friends–> some of my friends


1. sibling= 直属兄弟姐妹
ex: i have 2 siblings.
ex: do you want any siblings?

2. PROject= 项目
ex: I’m on a new PROject.

3. proJECT=投影
ex: proJECtor= 投影机
ex: could you project my screen to the wall?
ex: I need to borrow a projector.

4. conflict of interest= 利益矛盾
ex:there’s a conflict of interest, we can’t watch it together.

5. honestly/ to be honest= 老实说
ex: Honestly, I don’t think i’m gonna lose weight.

6. hassle= trouble / problem
ex: it’s gonna be a big hassle if they ban Wechat.