F2F Class Notes (Lily)


file = fai yo

fire =fai yer

fail = fay yo


i have confused– > I am confused


1.fail (verb)= 失败
failure (noun)
ex: I failed the driving exam.
ex: Failure is the mother of success.

2. give in= 妥协
ex: do you give in easily?
ex: if a salesperson keep selling me, I will give in.

3. give up= 放弃
ex: I give up playing piano because I don’t have time.

4. drop out= 退出
ex: drop out of school 辍学
ex: if you don’t like the teacher, you can drop out from the class.

5. room temperature= 常温
ex: i don’t drink room temp milk, it’s too warm for me.

6. refill (noun/verb)= 续杯
ex: In McDonald, you can get unlimited refills on drinks.

7. go easy on me= 让让我 别太狠
ex: it’s my first time to play poker, go easy on me hahah!
ex: I’m a newbie, go easy on me !!