F2F Class Notes (Lily)


fight little things–> fight over little things


1.LGBT= Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
ex: In most western countries, they are open to LGBT.

2. crisis (noun)= 危机
ex: China is under an economic crisis at the moment.

3. lay off (verb)= 裁员
ex: Most companies have chosen to lay off their employees during the virus outbreak.
ex: if you get laid off, you will receive a big compensation.

4. compensation= 补偿金
ex: he got fired because he always arrived late, so there’s no compensation for him.

5. compensate (verb)= 补偿
ex: I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours, how will you compensate me?

6. coronavirus= 冠状病毒  (COVID-19)
ex: The official term for coronavirus is COVID-19.

7. outbreak (noun)= 爆发
ex: There has been a virus outbreak in WuHan.

8. epidemic (adj)= 传染性的
ex: it is an epidemic virus, we should all wear our mask.

9. single use/ disposable (adj)= 一次性的
ex: the masks and the gloves are disposable, you should never reuse them.
ex: the gloves are disposable for hygiene purposes.

10. quarantine= 隔离
ex: I had to quarantine myself at home for 14 days.
ex: If you come from a high-risk country, you will be quarantined in a hotel.

11. resume work= 复工
ex: 80% of the companies have resumed work.

12. bilingual = when you can speak two languages
trilingual= when you can speak three languages
ex: WOW, you can speak English and Chinese, you are bilingual!
ex: She can speak French, English and Chinese, she is trilingual.