F2F Class Notes (Lily)


direct= dai RECT


I haven’t driver license —> I don’t have a driver’s license.

haven’t + (past past verb)
I haven’t+  seen Jesse for one week.
I haven’t+  been to Japan
I haven’t+  had time to do my homework.
I haven’t + changed my job for two years.

come to here–> come here
go there


1.co-worker/ colleague= 同事
ex: I used my co-worker‘s membership to do my eyelashes.

2. register (verb)= 去注册
registration (noun)= 注册
ex: I will register for HLJ and search for 尚静.

3. wrinkle= 皱纹
ex: In order to prevent wrinkles, you must put on sunscreen everyday.

4. primer= 隔离
ex: I rarely use the primer because I think it’s unnecessary.

5. thermage= 热玛吉
ex: if you want to lift up your face, then thermage is the best choice.

6. flagship store= 旗舰店
ex: The flagship store is in PuDong, but you can go to the one near your house.

7. stuck= 卡在
ex: my hand is stuck in the cup.
ex: I’m stuck in the traffic.
ex: If he goes to Japan on Christmas, then I will be stuck at home with the baby.

8. nanny= 保姆
ex: he had an argument with my nanny and he fired her.

9.ish= 类似的
ex: he is very childish= 他很幼稚
ex: do you have time around 5ish?
ex: I want my room to be pinkish.
ex: I like brownish colors.

10. dark= 深色
light= 浅色🏻
ex: do you like dark brown or light brown?
ex: I really like light pink and light blue.