F2F Class Notes (Li)


the market has risen/arisen/gone up

concept: an idea

for some time/some period/for a while

hype up/stir up

fake – not real

economy: the system of trade and industry concerning money

eliminate: to remove or take away someone or something

eg. People are hoping to eliminate COVID-19.

eg. A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.

make the right choice

what will happen?


weaker than/stronger than

Speaking exercise

Somebody will controls if you invest this thing, you will lose the money. So I think I should watch it for a time.

I have experience about it. I have trust them so I just listen and smile.

I have buy it and I sold it out.

I feel troubled with recent news.  The war with 2 country is the reason why bitcoin rise up.

We’re argued.


Some people control the market so if you invest in this project, you will lose money. So I think I should observe for now/for this time period.

I had a bad/negative experience about it. I trusted them so now, I just listen and smile.

I have bought it and I sold it already. 

I feel troubled with the news recently.  The war between the US and China is the reason why bitcoin rose up. 

We argued. 


smell – smel

smile – sm-ail