F2F Class Notes (Li)


confrontation: a fight or argument 对抗;冲突

eg. Some people avoid confrontation as much as possible.

eg. There were violent confrontations between police and protesters.

mature: fully developed emotionally 成熟的

eg. The little girl is very mature for her age.

eg. As you mature, you will perceive things differently.

even though: 即使;虽然

eg. Even though it was raining last Saturday, we spent a day at the zoo.

eg. Even though John dropped out of school, he managed to become a billionaire by 30.

come in contact with/to experience/to interact with

change our plan/schedule

measure: to judge the quality, importance and value of something 衡量

eg. It is difficult to measure the quality of parenting.

standard of living: 生活质量


one of my colleagues can not get long with the other – one of my colleagues does not get along with the other

in their back – behind their back

tourist bus – tour bus

even we are at home, we do things with kids – even though we are at home, we do things with the kids

I am lazy people – I am a lazy person