F2F Class Notes (Li)


coast: the land next to or close to the sea 海岸

outbreak: when a disease breaks out 暴发

infect: 传染,感染

eg. He was infected last weekend by his classmate.

quarantine: 隔离

eg. The people on that plane had to be in quarantine for 14 days.

you put the number of times + number of day/week/month 
once every two weeks/twice every two weeks/three times a week
on 12 midnight/during midnight
midnight – only for 12 at night
How’s the situation in Berlin?/ How’s Berlin?
next six months – 6个月后


the city is normal – the situation has stabilised in SH

how about him – what about him? 

Speaking exercise

I think it’s a worse time in China. After CNY, I came back to SH from BJ at the end of January. I was back to my hometown, I think it was okay. But the virus was beginning to worse. Other places is worse than SH. A couple days ago, there are some people who was affected by coronavirus and they are from Italy, Iran etc. My friend his cousin brother has been infected.

Yesterday, I have a little hot pot with my friend. But, we get together and we wearing the mask. If we want to eat, we take off the mask.


I think it’s a bad time in China. After CNY, I came back to SH from BJ at the end of January. I went back to my hometown and I think it was okay. But the virus was beginning to spread. Other places have it worse than SH. A couple of days ago, there are some people who were infected by the coronavirus and they are from Italy, Iran etc. My friend said/told me his cousin has been infected.

Yesterday, I had a single/small hot pot with my friend. We all got together but we all wore masks. We only took off the mask when we wanted to eat.