F2F Class Notes (Li)


moody: to be angry one minute and happy the next

eg. My neighbour can be quite moody so I don’t like talking to her.

set clear boundaries: 分界线

eg. I usually set clear boundaries with others.

horoscope:  星座

zodiac: 生肖

astrology: 占星学

get along: to be on good terms with someone

eg. My neighbours don’t get along, they always argue with each other.

fond of: like a lot

eg. She is fond of eating desserts.

stick to: to continue to do something despite difficulties 坚忍不拔

weakness: 弱势

eg. Some people don’t know what their weakness is.


I’m a person who can know what I want – I’m someone who knows what I want

I also hope her to – I also hope that 

if the problem is not business of mine  – if the problem is not my business/if the problem is not my concern 

I worried my son – I’m worried of my son

I cannot use to it – I could not get used to it