F2F Class Notes (Li)


statistic: information basedĀ on aĀ studyĀ of theĀ numberĀ ofĀ timesĀ somethingĀ happensĀ or isĀ present, or otherĀ numerical facts ē»Ÿč®”ę•°ę®ļ¼›ē»Ÿč®”资ꖙ

eg. StatisticsĀ show/suggestĀ that womenĀ liveĀ longerĀ than men.

web traffic: internet users who visit a site.

electronics: ē”µå™Ø

factors: aĀ factĀ orĀ situationĀ thatĀ influencesĀ theĀ result of something 因ē“ ļ¼›č¦ē“ 

eg. Price will be aĀ major/crucialĀ factorĀ inĀ theĀ successĀ of this newĀ product.

eg. Too littleĀ exerciseĀ is aĀ contributoryĀ factor inĀ heartĀ disease.

it can’t be helped: ę²”åŠžę³•

eg. Ā I really didn’t wantĀ to go away thisĀ weekendĀ but, oh well, it can’t beĀ helped.


embarrassing timing – wrong timingĀ 

crowdy –Ā crowdedĀ 

met this problem –Ā encounteredĀ this problem

more cheaper – cheaper thanĀ 

keep limit – limit myselfĀ 

delivery is most fast – delivery isĀ very fastĀ 

my friends will spon – my friends willĀ supportĀ 

profile –Ā profitsĀ 

made the äæ”ä»»- build upĀ trustĀ