F2F Class Notes (Li)

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debut: the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time

eg. He started as an actor, making his debut as a director in 1990.

conservation: the protection of plants and animals, naturalareas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damagingeffects of human activity 生物保护

eg. A wildlife conservation centre

eg. A conservation area

breeder: a person who to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a controlled way 饲养人

eg. She was one of the country’s top sheep breeders.
hectares: a unit of measurement of an area of land (10,000 m2) 公顷
popularization: the act of making something known and understood by ordinary people
eg. She wrote a history of the popularization of Chinese food in the USA.
autonomous: independent and having the power to make decisions for yourself 自主的
eg. The country now has 17 autonomous regions, each with a distinct culture.
autonomous (2): an autonomous organization, country, or region is independent and has the freedom to govern itself 自治的
eg. an autonomous region/province/republic/council
prefecture: 县

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debut – day-bue