F2F Class Notes (Li)


dialect – a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of a country

standard language/common language

tomb-sweeping – what families traditionally do on Qing Ming festival

mindset – your way of thinking/opinions

mentality – a person’s particular way of thinking about things

conflict – serious disagreement/argument

ex. Both families always have a lot of conflict.

ex. Ideally, we wish to avoid conflict as much as possible.

Speaking exercise

I can took a rest and play the mobile and stay with them.

I could take a rest and play with my mobile and spend time with them.

A woman picked a man that she really love and the father complained that that’s not suitable.

A woman picked a man who she really loves and her father complained that he’s not suitable.

It’s quite like some education for some parents

It’s like a form of  education for some parents

He aiming to tell the families to be healthy

He aims to tell the families to act healthilyÂ