F2F Class Notes (Li)


Labour Day – first may

Exam-oriented – aimed at a direction

visa – a permit to allow you to visit/work/study in a country

traumatise – to become shocked because of an experience/event

shop/retail/sales assistant

lottery – a game in which numbers are sold to people who then have a chance to win a prize if their number is chosen


work – not countable so no ‘s’

Speaking exercise

I feel like my English is going backwards

I feel like my English is not improving/is stuck.

I should visit the relatives during the Spring Festive, but because of the virus…

I should visit my relatives during the Spring Festival, but because of the virus…

I guess it’s London because we planned to go to London but failed because of COVID-19.

I prefer London because we planned to go to London but failed because of COVID-19.

Some Chinese English, they just focus on the exams.

When Chinese schools teach English/In Chinese schools, they are usually exam-oriented/they focus more on exams.  

In Japan I can spoke English and..

In Japan, I can speak English and…

I’m so afraid that she’ll notice that I’m not Chinese

I’m so afraid that she’ll find out/discover that I’m not Chinese

They will login the website and they will start the random pick.

They will log onto the website and then the lottery will begin.