F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


dialect: a form of language that is spoken in a particular area

eg. Cantonese is a dialect that is widely spoken in some parts of China.

mimic: to copy someone’s behaviour or speech

eg. He is good at mimicking other accents.

vent: to express (emotions) in a loud or angry manner

eg. She vented her frustrations by kicking the car.

Speaking exercise

Sometimes when I get mad or when I become nervous, I speak Chinese. My friend is learning Cantonese so because of her I find that I pronounce the wrong pronunciation. Because we have daily conversation so we don’t have to be strict with our pronunciation. Cantonese it can be writing.


Sometimes when I get mad or when I become nervous, I speak Chinese. My friend is learning Cantonese so because of her I find that I have been pronouncing the words wrong. Because we have daily conversations so we don’t have to be strict with our pronunciation. Cantonese it can be writing.  can be written. 


gossip – goh-sip


when I just born – when I was born

crowdy – crowded