F2F Class Notes (Li)


forefront – most noticeable/important

ex. His research is at the forefront of the healthcare industry.

illustration – pictures

gardening – planting plants, crops, flowers etc.

booth – a stall you can find at an outdoor market

attract – to draw people towards something/someone

calendar – 日历

Speaking exercise

The equipment there is still very good right now so someday, they might reopen the swimming pool

The equipment there is still in very good condition right now so someday, they might reopen the swimming pool

I went to the store in Japan

It’s a place more trendy

It’s a trendier place

I went there twice before the pandemic. You will feel very free there. You can see quite a lot of not so common things.

I went there twice before the pandemic. You will feel very free there. You can see quite a lot of uncommon/rare things.

The good point is they have lots of very illustration books which are not so easy to get in SH.

The advantage is they have lots of illustration books which are not easy to find in SH.

I feel regret it

I regret it 

For this bookstore you need to make a reservation to go there

For this bookstore, you need to make a reservation before going there