F2F Class Notes (Li)


expense – the cost for sth

down payment – first payment made when something is bought on credit

mortgage – loan for buying a house

ex. It’s getting harder to afford a house in SH because of high mortgage payment and property prices.

baggage – luggage/all the things that you have

the rent doubled/tripled – 2x/3x

to feel safe – to be at ease/comfortable with sth

soar – increase rapidly

catch-up – 赶上

Speaking exercise

In this year January, because of education policy change some area’s price increase very very high.

Because of policy changes in education, some area’s housing prices increased very quickly/soared in this year’s January. 

We never considered about that.

We never considered about that.

Several years later the price went up.

Our expenses become more and more so the saving money is not enough to buy a new house.

Our expenses have increased so saving money is not enough for us to buy a new house.

When I married to my husband

When I married to my husband

Even if they are not okay afford that they will still try their best

Even if they can’t afford much they will still try their best