F2F Class Notes (Li)


Compare the changes to your lifestyle ex. when you were single and now when you’re married.


by accident – not on purpose

landlord – person who owns the house

tenant – person renting the house

skip/jump rope – 跳绳

Speaking exercise

When the one day I didn’t want to go back

On the day I had to go back to work, I didn’t want to go back

When you get out of home

When you get out of the house/leave the house  

This is not I like

This is not what/something I like

When I went out of the office

When I left the office

He thought that company can apply me that apartment

He helped me to apply for an apartment

Sometimes the landlord want to increase the land price

Sometimes the landlord would like to increase the rent

At the beginning two years after I got married we also lived in JA

(At the beginning), two years after I got married, we also lived in JA

When we haven’t children

When we didn’t haven’t children