F2F Class Notes (Li)


pick up the pace – to speed things up

ex. Lecturers often start to pick up the pace after a few weeks.

theory – noun

theoretical – adj

come up with examples/ideas – think of examples/ideas

ex. He’s good at coming up with original ideas

prime minister – head of the government

hang out together – spend a lot of time with friends/family/colleagues

ex. My friends want to hang out every weekend.

negotiate – to have formal discussions to agree on sth

tuition fee – school fee

petition – a formal request signed by many people to appeal to an organisation for sth

ex. You can try to submit a petition to the admissions team.

pay by year/pay by semester  – you pay for every year/semester


for days and dates 

On May 8th/Mondays/Saturday/Christmas Day/New Year’s Eve

Speaking exercise

This is French professor

My professor is French 

takes some interesting points

Come up with some interesting examples 

before the break out of COVID-19

Before the COVID-19  outbreak

We always play together

We always hang out


methodology – meh-the-doh-luh-gee

theoretical – thee-uh-reh-ti-cal

tutor – tew-tor