F2F Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Intermittent Fasting + Physical Attractiveness


detrimental – causing harm

ex. Eating oil foods are detrimental to my skin.

avocado – 牛油果

commit – to promise to do sth

ex. They’re committed to exercising 5 days a week.

craving –  to have a powerful desire

ex. Some days I have a craving for chocolate.

eating disorder – having unhealthy eating habits

puke/throw up 

chew – bite and move food in your mouth

ex. Some kids never chew their food before swallowing.

fast – verb

ex. He fasts for health reasons.

Speaking exercise

I started fasting because my skin will be changed

I started fasting because my skin condition worsened/to improve my skin condition  

More sugar can be harmful to our skin

More sugar can be harmful/detrimental to our skin

Every day I concentrated

I can concentrate better/be more focused every day 

It’s not fasting but they regard as fasting

It’s not fasting but they regard/consider it as fasting

I become woman like protect the environment

I’ve become a woman who is protective of the environment/environmentally conscious