F2F Class Notes (Li)


eligible – meet the requirement

ex. Only over 18s are eligible for this course

complete – finished

entry-level –  the lowest tier

ex. The entry-level only costs 500 per meal.

warehouse – 仓库

authentic – original/real

ex. The food here is very authentic.

dynamic – constantly changing or developing

ex. The F&B industry is very dynamic the competition is high.

Speaking exercise

I’ve got a lot of jobs scheduled about business trip after CNY

I’ve got a lot of business trips scheduled after CNY

I did a lot of arrangement for my holiday

I made a lot of plans for my holiday

Who are not have closely connection

Whom I’m not close to 

Although the situation right now is many people come back to their hometown

Despite the situation now, many people chose to go back to their hometown

I can book a lot of restaurants that I cannot book before

I can book a lot of restaurants that I could not book in advance before

I saw their website, it told that they are open on holiday

I went on their website and it says that they are open on holidays 

For that restaurant usually you need to book before 1 month

For that restaurant, you usually need to book 1 month before

It’s like mineral level restaurant

It’s like an entry-level restaurant

You cannot compete it with Korean street

They cannot compete with the restaurants on Korean street