F2F Class Notes (Li)


pot – 锅

valid for 7 days – officially acceptable

my friend tried to photoshop the report – PS

seasonal – happening during a particular time in the year

ex. seasonal flu

only works for half a year

injection/n – when sth is injected

inject/v – put a vaccine/medicine in the body using a needle and a syringe

needle – the sharp part

syringe – the body with the liquid inside

ex. The vaccine can be injected via the arm.

ingest – can be eaten/taken orally (medicine)

ex. Some medicines can be ingested/are ingestible.

anaesthetics – medicine to make you feel no pain

faint/blackout – when you feel dizzy and you lose your mind

ex. Some people faint/blackout when they see blood.

dizzy – when you feel sick but you’re still awake