F2F Class Notes (Li)


shot up/went up – rise or increase

volatile – always changing. not stable

ex. The stock market is very volatile so it’s risky.

addiction/n – when you become too reliant on sth and you can’t control yourself from doing it

ex. gambling/shopping/eating addiction

addict/n – the person who has an addiction

ex. gambling/drug/coffee/shopping addicts

beginner’s luck – when you’re new to sth and you keep winning

ex. Most people at the casino rely on beginner’s luck to win the first few rounds.

surf the internet – browse

go on/access social media

stem from sth – originating/coming from

ex. His alcoholic addiction stems from watching his alcoholic parents while growing up.

reliant on sth/sbd – rely on

ex. Don’t be too reliant on coffee to keep you awake.


The 2nd of January is my birthday

On February 14th, it’s Valentine’s day so most couples have a date.

Speaking exercise

And then 15 minutes for stretch

And then 15 minutes for stretching/to do stretches 

On the February 9th is the start of semester two

On February 9th the second semester will begin 

The money you invest in the stock market is like gamble

The money you invest in the stock market is like gambling/Investing in the stock market is like gambling 

I think coffee in some time is healthy. But if you addiction in some bad area like gambling or smoking maybe it’s not good in our life. I think it depends on what addiction.

I think drinking/consuming coffee in moderation is healthy. But if you are addicted to something like gambling or smoking then it’s not good for our health. I think it depends on the type of addiction.

I think the people with addiction in gambling have a sickness in the mind. The people who have gambling addiction maybe they have some mental problems in the past.

I think the people with gambling addiction have a mental sickness. Their problems probably stem from the past. 

I think most of people they use phone even whole day. They use phone to contact friends or parents. They use phone to surf. They use phone to watch social media.

I think most people they use phones for the whole day. They use their phone to contact friends or parents. They use it to surf the internet and access/get on social media.

So we are relying on the phone.

So we rely too much/too reliant on the phone.