F2F Class Notes (Li)


dominant hand – the side you use the most

left/right-handed – to use the left/right hand more

rare – not very often

blend in – to look or seem the same as other people or things so that you won’t stand out

ex. She dyed her hair black to blend in with the majority.

stimulate – to raise levels of nervous activity

ex. Doing puzzles help to stimulate your brain.

ambidextrous – able to use both them equally well

chew food – bite food in the mouth

ex. I prefer to chew with the right side of my mouth.

full-body shots – whole body

Speaking exercise

For now I can kick the balls by my right hand

For now I can hit/return the balls with my right hand only 

Right-handed people is the majority in the public

Right-handed people are the worldwide majority

Equipment is designed for the right-handlers

Most equipment are designed for right-handed people

When I do the gym, I found my left hand is stronger

When I went to the gym, I found my left hand is stronger