F2F Class Notes (Li)


commit a crime – to break the law

ex. Many people feel that she committed a crime even though she didn’t get the procedure done here.

legal – okay with the law

ex. What she did would be illegal her

illegal – not okay with the law

ex. What she did would be illegal here.

surrogate pregnancy – a process when a woman gives birth to a child that is intended for a couple

surrogate mother – a woman carrying a  baby that is not for her

adoption – when you take in a child legally to take care as your own

abortion – when a procedure is done to end a pregnancy

ex. She decided to get an abortion because she is still young.

conceive – when a baby is made

ex. Due to her age, she had difficulties conceiving so she decided to look for a surrogate.

mixed baby – baby with more than one ethnicity

miscarriage – when a pregnancy ends naturally

ex. My colleague had two miscarriages.

sexual orientation – whether someone is attracted to men or women

ex. Many teenagers explore their sexual orientation during this stage in their life.

Speaking exercise

There were a lot of gossip about the situation

There have been a lot of gossip about the situation

At first, we all followed the news about the COVID-19

At first, we all followed the news on the COVID-19

Suddenly, everyone paid their attention to

Suddenly, everyone paid more attention to