F2F Class Notes (Li)


Obesity (n): to be extremely overweight

Obese (v)

eg. Obesity is a problem in children these days.

Excess: extra

Preventable: to stop something from happening or existing

eg. Becoming overweight is preventable if you exercise regularly and control your diet.

Sedentary: spending much time seated and lacking in physical activity

eg. As a result of her sedentary lifestyle, Jenna has gained a lot of weight.

Mechanised: a process that is done with machines instead of by people or animals

eg. Mechanised farming has caused people to lose their jobs.

Sow the seeds: to plant an idea in someone’s mind

Yoga mat: 瑜伽垫


cook ways – different ways to cook

control sugar – control sugar consumption


lobster – lob – ster

Sedentary: sah- den-tary

