F2F Class Notes (Li)


tradition – a belief or way of doing things for many generations

ex. It is a Chinese tradition to eat mooncake on the mid-autumn festival.

once every year for 3 years – n0 of times + frequency (5 minutes/every week/month/day)

ferry – slow boat

speedboat – fast boat

Buddhism – the religion

ex. Many people believe in Buddhism.

Buddhist – someone who believes in Buddism

ex. My family members are all Buddhists.

Taoism – religion

Taoist – person

the official/certified one -recognised by official organisations

west – 西

we worship/believe in GuanYin –

to pray for good luck/prosperity/safety

religious ceremonies/celebrations/rituals –

sacred – holy, well respected because of a religious connection

ex. This is a sacred temple for many believers.

strict – following the rules and principles of a belief

ex. People who practice religion here follow a strict set of guidelines.

the management is very lax/flexible – not strict or controlling

multicultural – ethnically diverse

ex. Singapore is a multicultural country.

they always want to ask their partner to convert – change from one religion to another


belief – noun/religion

ex. I have a religious belief.

believe – verb/religion

ex. I believe in Buddha.