F2F Class Notes (Kyle)(S)


distracted 分心 fen xin

screen printing 屏幕打印机

You can make custom clothes with a screen printer.

Redesign 重新设计

Maybe if the students don’t like their school uniform, they will redesign their uniform.

Earthy Yellow color – 土黄色

The school uniforms were a terrible earthy yellow color

t0 attract _______ 吸引一些东西

The color of bright yellow attracts bees and flies during warm weather. 

  • I am attracting  —-> ? = (wealth, bad luck, lots of a certain type of people, people needing help)
  • to attract is = 给你带来
  • I am attracted to you —-> I like you, possibly romantic 浪漫
  • Something/someone can be attractive (adjective)
  • Is the behavior of a leader in your company, is that attractive ? 他的行为很有吸引力 His behavior is attractive (to people)

I like wearing my vest because it is comfortable, but maybe it is not so attractive / fashionable / good style. 

His  behavior is magnetic 他的行为很有磁性 —> 磁 —-> has an ability to PULL things TOWARDS it

Video Editing  视频编辑

Shaky 摇摇欲坠

Speaking exercise

Corrected Speaking Stories:

#1) In China, the young people will want to throw their old clothes away and their parents will try to keep them. The parents think these clothes are still OK to wear.  One day when I was in Chu zhong —> Junior High School / Middle School,  I saw one my classmates father wearing one of the of the school uniforms.

A Funny Short Story

#2) One day I was walking on Nanjing Rd with my friend and a foreigner girl approached us. She was lost and asking for directions, she was speaking too fast so we couldn’t understand what she was saying. My friend didn’t understand her but she decided to say “Pardon?” and the foreigner girl repeated herself. We still didn’t know what she said, but it was a funny thing.


Rule — ROOL

ex. At my old school, the older students get to choose the colors for the younger students.

The school photo made us look like a mix of vegetables.