F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

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Speaking exercise


What do you look for in a manager?

I am the HR so I want to find a manager for my company. Um… Uhh… Um the manager. The manager will manage a purchasing team. He is a man who looks powerful and thin. He wears a pair of glasses. He is good at purchasing items for the business and he has a good skill at negotiation. Everyone else at respects him…


1 world= were old

ex. There are 7 billion people in the world. 🙂

2. alert- a LERT adjective

Look at that house, its on fire! Hopefully everyone is alert to the danger of this situation!

3. frequently= FREE kun tlee

I can speak English frequently. 

In the future, I wish to speak English more frequently.

4. gesture= JES jure

5. threaten= ze REten

He passed across me and did made a bad gesture… What an asshat!

double example sentence!) We were waiting in the queue, and this guy came up and cut in front of everyone in the queue, so I told him to go wait in line. Surprisingly, he threatened me and made a bad gesture.  Then a strong guy in the line went up to him and faced off with him. Immediately, the first guy became scared and he cowered away from the big guy. It appeared to me, the first guy was truly a shrimp!


to go up to (someone/something) – go to place/person

to cut in the queue/line- to unfairly skip everyone who is waiting their turn, more common in China than anywhere else.

queue = British English (interchangeable, use both ok)

Line= American English (interchangeable, use both ok)

to face off – thing that a strong guy will do, to show Strength/Power,

to cower – to shrink away, to become smaller because of something

A shrimp- small, pink and tasty  * sounds like shrink * “The shrimp is shrink I think” – Sierra

truly –  certainly, truthfully, with honesty

Immediately –  an action which happens at once, in a short time

example. You told me the word and then to immediately make a sentence.