F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

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To Give a Compliments: 

Comparative Adjectives: 


subject + verb + comparative adjective

It’s getting better —-> what is the subject? The subject is ___Kyle’s ability to speak Mandarin ____.

The subject is a noun.

Thorough = 彻底

detailed = 详细

Most words with -ed are adjective or a past tense verb….. I have improved.

subject = IT + is t0 be (v)

(IT = something /the Subject )is getting better.

“I am still figuring out how to complete the puzzle “—- to figure out 去弄明白 <—– a native speaker will use this

Speaking exercise

One time/ one day, when I was 24 years old I drove I was driving my father’s car on the road nearby to Jingan Temple. I overheard a foreigner he used a Shanghainese what is native dirty things, he accurately used the local language. Anyways, I said to myself “Wow, that is amazing to hear!” I will never forget that moment because there were not so many foreigners in Shanghai and he spoke so fluently.

When did this story take place? This story took place in 2005.

I drove= the simple Past Tense, The action is COMPLETED.

ex.. I drove from Hangzhou to Shanghai.—> completed action, from place to another.

ex.I flew (to fly in an airplane) from USA to China.  I flew to SF from NY.


ex. I was driving past Jingan Temple and this random foreigner guy said something vulgar to me in Shanghainese.

to overhear : to hear something that is not intended for YOU. (not intended to, not for me, casually)

ex. The lady next door is overhearing our conversation.

ex. I overheard some of my colleagues talking about my weaknesses personality flaws.


—–> to solve the problem/fix the hole/repair the tear/fill in the gap/ catch up to speed

fill in the gap  —> this has many implications in Speech (colloquial) 

  • give me more information
  • to receive more training or experience

Colloquial / Oral: the spoken language 口语, Slang 俚语, Local Language, Proverbial 众所周知

accurately 准确

precisely 正是

awkward  尴尬

personality flaws:人格缺陷 — It has a softer meaning when translating from Chinese.

Colleague : CAL  Leeg

Col – League : Cal League