F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S/W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


Did you like it? —> Yes, I liked it.

When you are not sure about something —–> USE THE CONDITIONAL TENSE 条件!  (maybe) 

  • It could be true….
  • One of the themes in the movie could be….
  • I could have a new life next year….
  • It is a good idea? Should I do it?
  1. Could —> It could be raining outside right now…
  2. Should —> The traffic should be crowded now because it’s Saturday in center of Shanghai.
  3. Would —> I would go swimming tomorrow if it’s sunny… Would you like to go swimming tomorrow with me? .

Writing exercise


I saw a movie last weekend Scent of a Woman.
Chris is a poor high school student,he works part-time as a librarian in the library.One night he and his frieds came out of the library and saw the pranks of their friends.He didn’t want to betray his friends,but if he didn’t tell the headmaster who did the pranks,he would be expelled from school.It was difficult for him.
The other protagonist is a retired military officer,he is blind.
Chris wanted to make money,so he took care of the colonel,then they went to New York.They flew first class,stayed in the best hotel,aet $24 burgers and danced tango with a beautiful woman.In the end,the colonel tried to shoot himself.
There may be a lot of good in people who seem stubborn and unreasonable.

Corrected 纠正 :

Last weekend, I saw a movie and it is called/the title is, Scent of a Woman.
In the movie, Charles is a poor high school student who works part-time as a librarian in the library.

One night he and his friends came out of the library and saw some pranks by their other friends. Charles didn’t want to betray his friends, but if he didn’t tell the to headmaster on who did the pranks, he would be expelled from school. It was  a difficult decision for him.
The other protagonist is a retired military officer, he is blind.
Charles wanted to make money, so he took care of the colonel, then they went to New York together. They flew in first class, stayed in the best hotel, ate $24 burgers, and danced tango with a beautiful woman. In the end, the colonel tried to shoot himself because he is blind and sad about his life.
One of themes 主题 of the movie, could be  may be a lot of good in people who seem stubborn and unreasonable.


precise – 精确

to tell on (verbal phrase) = telling something bad about someone to a more powerful person = 告诉一个更有权势的人一些不好的事情

ex. Telling on people is to report their behavior to an authority.

partner = a friend, many definitions, business or social or romantic

colleague = people that you work with “work mates”

“What’s up, my man?”  —> to say Hello to a Guy friend. 

Boyfriend = specifically for Romantic Partner

Girl asks Boy: “Do you have boyfriend?” Straight Guy: No, never. Gay Guy: Yeah I have a boyfriend/partner.

Guyfriend = A male who is  JUST a Friend.

Girlfriend = could be either, usually romantic, unless between girls.

ex. Girl 1 : “This is my girlfriend Girl2: Hello!

Formal English  正式英语  vs. Spoken English 口语

Would you like to … = a very polite way to speak English: for new friends / acquaintances/ strangers / clients 客户 / formal English 正式英语