F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


“to make a good story” —-> It makes for a good story.

hitch-hiking / hitching 搭便 车

ex. Back in the old days, it was common for people to “hitch a ride” or to simply travel and get picked up by a random stranger who just happened to headed in the direction of the next destination.

Cathedrals = very large churches

ex. Normally, when I am sightseeing I just look around for interesting places like Cathedrals. 

insight / awareness / perspective / knowledge

essay = a paper = academic article 学术文章

patience – 耐心

cardiovascular / circulatory

Syallables – the breaks between pieces of a word

ex. “In-ter-na-tion-nal”

ex. “Car-di-o-vas-cu-lar”

The high speed train = 

Speaking exercise

The working culture in a French company is much different than working in a Chinese, American or British company… If you have to implement a project it would ….

I remember one time when I was traveling in Georgia, I saw a wolf –>a big Coyote . I am planning a trip across the US on Route 66, from Santa Monica to Chicago. I don’t have quite enough time for the entire

interests conflict <—–> conflicts of interest

employees won’t jump out of the industry <—-> they won’t switch industries / leave the industry