F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


Write a story Fashion in Hubei Province  and use the Grammar Model 1. 2. 3. to show subjects/verbs/nouns.

Speaking exercise

I have been to 1 time for 7 days. They speak Korean language in Korea. I like to listen to English music a little bit.

What is romance ? 浪漫 – When you love someone then you experience romance.

Fashion = I think Shanghai is a fashion city. It is an open culture —> It has an open culture.  

    • ex. In Shanghai, people are more accepting (现在时) of new things like fashion / style / art culture.


When you love someone then you experience romance. —> When 1. you 2. love someone then 1.you 2.experience 3. romance. 

  1. Subject = a pronoun = you/I/He/She/We
  2. Verbs = Love= (verb)—> Like = (verb)—> fear (verb) —> desire 欲望 (verb) —-> hate (verb) 恨—>
  3. Noun= romance= 浪漫

A) Where have you studied English? B) I have studied in English Middle School, Highschool, College and here.

A) Question: 问题

B) Response 响应 / Answer ——> REPEAT THE QUESTION in A SENTENCE 在一个方面重温问题。

  • I have studied English …….
    • at Middle School
    • Highschool
    • College
    • Here / Smart English.

Why? I learn English for conversation better. Use English people —> Foreigners.

  • Many foreigners can speak some English.


Chinese Culture– 中国文化

ex. In China, we eat lots of rice. We use chopsticks. There is a long history of China. 

Shanghainese Culture

ex. In Shanghai, they speak the Shanghai language (a specific dialect of a big language). 

Hubei Culture: 

ex. In Hubei culture, the people like to eat spicyfood.

Japanese Culture

ex. In Japanese culture, the people like to wear traditional clothes such as Kimono, yukata and hakama.

French culture

ex. Paris is the capital of France. What do French people do? In French culture, there is romance and fashion. 

American culture

ex. The people can use guns—> Guns are more acceptable in American culture. We have more guns in American culture.