F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


without = to NOT have with you/him/her

with = to have with you/him/her

Long = a length of ________

ex. The marker is longer than the pencil.

ex. “Today was a long day …”  today was difficult / busy / had a lot of things happen

hobby – just for fun

tranquility (noun) 宁静 = Peaceful/quiet/calm/relaxed/stable

ex. When I read a book, book makes me tranquil.—–> If I read a book then I feel tranquil. 

ex. Reading a book makes me feel tranquil (adj).

ex. Reading can bring tranquility. 读书可以带来宁静。

persist = jian chi

How long = How much length/time is something >>>>

ex. how long have you been practicing yoga for?  你练习瑜伽多久了?

Speaking exercise

What will you do with your son tomorrow? 

  •  I have been practicing Yoga for 10 years but I can’t persist. 
  • What will be doing tomorrow ?  你明天要做什么?
  • I will take care of my son all the day tomorrow because my husband’s mother will not come to my home. So I must take care of my son all day.

I just have searched tomorrow weather. It will be raining tomorrow. 

——> JUST recently, In the past hour: I just searched the weather for tomorrow and it will be raining. So we will stay at home. We will play games, watch Peppa Pig and just chill out.  

—-> Its the chinese version / Its the dubbed version of Peppa Pig / The audio is in Chinese Mandarin.

—–> They are play bicycle. —-> They are riding bicycles. 

—> They are wearing hats –—–> They are wearing helmets. 

ex. In the first picture, they are riding bicycles without helmets. In the second picture, they are riding bicycles with helmets.