F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


How to Tell Relevant Stories 相关故事

You can use this model to write Short Stories and organize your conversations better.

  1. WHEN?
  2. WHERE?
  3. WHO ?
  4. WHAT?
  5. HOW?
  6. WHY?

TED TALKs and Communication


Self Correction 自校正

Verb Conjugation – to say the correct form of the word for when you are using it.

I know , You know, She/he knows

Speaking exercise

Tell me about a foreigner friend that {you have}

I had met him in the travel during the hiking to Zhejiang province. We are in the same team. I went there with my Chinese friends. *** … And she had a school to teach the foreigners about Chinese and this guy is her students and we went hiking together over the weekend. I am trying to remember when it was… It think it is was during Autumn. He helped us to take many photographs because he is a photographer. He comes from Greek / Greece. He was working in Shanghai that time. He find / found a new job in Beijing several months later. He liked he enjoyed the new job because he can get more salary from it. And …

Tell me about a foreigner friend that you had. 

Around the time of Autumn 2016, I became friends with a man from Greece.


current events 当前事件

business topics 业务主题

muscles are tired  肌肉都累了

To do TOO MUCH physical work will make you SORE. —-> “my arms are sore ” 我的胳膊很疼

prevent injury 防止伤害

trampoline = 蹦 床

For how long did you play badminton? —> I played for 3 hours on Saturday and another 3 hours on Sunday, that’s why I feel tired everywhere.