F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S + W]


Write about your favorite styles of Yoga, such as Restorative, Yin or another one. Write about being fully relaxed.

Writing exercise


Everyday I carry with BB cushion, lip balm, lipstick, gargle. BB cushion is use for making up at any time. My lips are very dry all day, so lip balm is a necessity. I have to gargle and wear lipstick after eating out or before meeting anyone.

If I bring my baby out, I need to bring more things. Baby diapers, wipes, milk powder, bottles, snacks, toys, clothes. Now my baby can eat what adults eat, which makes me very relaxed, otherwise I have to bring baby’s supplementary food.


Everyday I carry with  me a BB cushion, lip balm, lipstick, and gargle mouthwash. The BB cushion is my make up which can be used at any time. My lips are very dry all day, so carrying lip balm with me is a necessity. I have to use mouthwash and wear  reapply  lipstick after eating out or before meeting anyone.

If I bring my baby out, I need to bring/carry more things with me such as baby diapers, wipes, milk powder, bottles, snacks, toys, and clothes. Now my baby can eat what adults can eat, which makes me very relaxed, otherwise I have to bring baby’s supplementary food.


Yoga Vocabulary:

yogi – a person who does Yoga

meditation  – ming xiang, to have a calm body and mind. to relax the thinking of the brain.

recovery – hui fu , to bring back the energy and health

After exercise I need to do recovery. 

relaxing – to rest and recover the body , similar to Yin

Restorative yoga is very relaxing. 


My body is not very flexible.

a Burrito = a rolled type of Mexican style food

Today I ate a burrito.

A tortilla = roll up a tortilla to make a Burrito 

It’s ok —> You can use it anywhere —–>  It is widely accepted.

Roast Beef Sandwich = niu rou sandwich

Roast Beef = Cooked Cows

High Quality – to come from a good source,

The ingredients at Baker and Spice are higher quality than at other places. 

Rock ‘n roll = famous type of music from USA during the  1950s– to now 

A band with a guitar, bass, drums, and a singer which can play music loudly.

Recently = 

Recently I haven’t gone / been / attended to yoga class.

During the _______ (day / night / class / trip)

During the day time my baby is healthy and active. 


Mexican = MEK si Can

Roll =  rawl  lll

Can you roll your R’s ? RRRRRRR…  Italian, Spanish and French, and pronunciation of some words perrrfecto !

Kiss vs Kids ——> K i ss .  K i Dzs….. KID–>z ( rop down to zz to say Kidz)

I kissed my mother goodbye… I went to Kids Cafe. 


to roll (verb)

You roll something is round, like a ball. You can also roll seaweed to make sushi.

Sauce is same as Mexican roll sauce.