F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Speaking exercise

You should turn left and go straight. I forgot the road. You should turn around .

You should stand up and go out of the room. Turn Left. Go straight. Turn left. Go Straight. Turn left. And you can find the Office. —– Take 3 lefts ! 

Corrected Version: 

  1. First thing is you should stand up and and go out of the room.
  2. Take the first left and walk down the hallway (road inside a building/house)
  3. Take 3 consecutive lefts—>
  4. And you will arrive at Jessy’s office, the number is 912 (giving an address)


consecutive = in a row , one after the other . =

Using Slang = speaking a colloquial dialect = They have a local accent.

A lot of Japanese people chose to live there. 

 Neighborhood = Changning = an area of town = there. 

 A small part of town is called a neighborhood. Who are your neighbors? 

neighbors = people that live next/close to you

directions = where you are and how to travel


in relationship to = 

Where is Changning neighborhood in relationship to Jingan neighborhood?  Changing is west of Jingan. 

Japan is east of China.

Chengdu is due west of Shanghai.

due __n/e/s/w___ = in a straight line from, in a straight line in relationship to

If you travel due south from Shanghai, where do you end up?

next to = describing location, beside, nouns= people/places/things

He is sitting next to me 他坐在旁边.

What is next to your home? There is a small park next to my home.

Go straight = 直走