F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (R + S)


Prepositions In / On / At 


It is tiring (verb) —-> It makes me tired (adject)

Rock climbing is tiring. 

I was tired after rock climbing over the weekend.

prepositions – We went to / at

Rock Climbing – 攀岩

I went to the Rock Climbing Gym. At the Gym, I climbed to the top of the wall.

to accomplish (verb) = 去完成, to complete an objective

I accomplished a goal of mine, which was to go rock climbing. 


fulfill · achieve · succeed in · realize · attain · manage · bring about · bring off · carry out · carry off · carry through · execute · conduct · effect · fix · engineer · perform · do · perpetrate · discharge · complete · finish · consummate · conclude · effectuate

accomplisment (noun) = 成就

Manners 礼仪 to be Polite 要有礼貌

well – behaved vs. naughty <——-> good vs bad

“She loves board games / She loves to play board games” 

Complex  复杂 = complicated 复杂

Lead by Example < — > to show someone How to Do Something


Checkers (wei qi)  vs Chess 割草机

“She loves board games / She loves to play board games”


Confusing phrases in Diary of a Wimpy Kid

1. It used to be a whole lot simpler back in elementary school
2. The deal was, if you were the fastest runner in your class, you got all the girls
3. And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened
4. But the kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years
5. Who probably hovering right around the 150 mark, by the way
6. Sneak off

 1. It used to be a whole lot simpler back in elementary school ——> Life was much simpler when I was a kid in school.

be used to = past tense + a whole lot = a BIG quantity, SO MUCH EASIER 

2. The deal was, if you were the fastest runner in your class, you got all the girls —-> girls like the athletic guys ? 

The deal = the situation 的情况, if you are the fastest runner (more athletic) 

“What’s the deal? What’s the problem? What are we doing? Whats the situation?”  

3.  And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened

And kids like (name) are scratching their heads  抓伤你的头 wondering what the heck happened.

to be dumbfounded= 傻眼 confused = 困惑….  what the heck happened?—-> OH My God / SURPRISE!

heck —-> Hell  地狱 (a place where for monsters, demons and Satan live, according to Religion  基督教)

4. But the kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years

come around —-> a casual way to say: to visit or to appear. (friendly way ) 

Listen to “When I Come Around” by Green Day 

5. Who probably hovering right around the 150 mark, by the way

Some people + to hover around 徘徊在周围+ right around ( to be close to ) + the 150 mark ( a place ), by the way + right around

6. Sneak off —> to go somewhere by sneaking (quietly/discreetly)

to sneak 偷偷溜走 tou tou liu zou – to do something discreetly, without other people knowing

ex. My manager is busy working but I want to go home early, so I sneaked past them.