F2F Class Notes (Kyle)


vibe – the environment, the atmosphere

“Its not the same vibe as in actual Korea”

improvement / to improve = my sentence structure

Based on the strategy, I make new products with different related people such as researchers, designers and engineers. After we make the product strategy, there is other aspects of the team we have to put together (product development —> marketing, sales). 

put together – combine

expose yourself  I need to put myself out there…. Go for fluency and accuracy with intention. 

Connotation – the strong or weaker meaning

ex. Kyle, does assuredly have the same connotation as definitely ? Yes, they are very similar.

Context – what is being said, what does it truly mean …..

buzz words – fancy words, words that are popular at a current time, within a specific industry, vocabulary that is very unique, trendy, being caught up in the current style

testing products in virtually/virtual reality/on the phone/screen- MM ? 

I can use my previously attained knowledge of the cosmetic industry to develop new products. 

That was how I got hooked into this industry ! – to become immediately attached to, to obsessed with, intimately connected to

intimate – adjective – much more personal

When we transferred to China, we relied on each other. —— keep this in the same tense ! 


Adverbs – used to modify verbs/adjectives , one of the 8 word classes,

 _adj.__ -ly, 

eg. specially, clearly, exceptionally, nearly, rarely, quickly, assuredly= for sure, surely, certainly=for certain, definitely 


Portfolio – PORT *pho* Leo

diligent – dill euh gent – hardworking, exceptionally motivated