F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S]

Needs more review

example. I want to look up to my brother because he is always hardworking and I envy him.

to envy (v)  to be envious(+) /jealous (-) (adj.)

example. Teaching children good values is a basic parenting for parents skill. 

Speaking exercise

Highschool – a school for teenagers before university

disorganized<—> organized

Philosophy = a way of living, practice something in a certain way

“Life is about obtaining new experiences”

“She is in the First Grade” ….”She has just finished the Kindergarten/Pre-Schooling. She doesn’t allow us to control her actions very easily. Therefore she is more rebellious ( to go against a control, to rebel, to be a rebel). Those with rebellious personalities want to try to do something better / to improve the system … I just hope that she can find happiness…

When I was a soldier in the army, I dreamt that I could a big boss to run a large company… And then when I went to society and started looking for jobs. Actually, I didn’t give up my thinking from the solider time, you need to overcome alot of difficult things / frustrations ….I should have continued my work at the previous company, at that company I couldn’t find a way to reach my personal goals / I didn’t see space/room for my growth…. I didn’t opportunities developing for me at my former company… 


So what do you do now? I have my own small business and I also work for a larger company. 

Our goal is create flow in conversation, and expressing your ideas in complete form and in a constructive, professional manner, just high level social ability. Communicating with English speakers and deciding, what are talking about, who is gaining the correct information from our conversation, and am I meeting my goals with this person. 

Goals: Needs higher level grammar, conversation circles, make preparations for the future 


integration from being a solider back into working in society

integrate — to mix, to change back into something, to evolve/change,

new discoveries – find some new things

new perspective – the way you look at something

awkward- doesn’t fit very comfortable / embarrassing

parenting (n): 1-the raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that are involved in it

example. Teaching children good values is a basic parenting for parents skill. 

look up to sb (v): 1-to admire and respect someone:

example. I want to look up to my brother because he is always hardworking and I envy him.

to envy (v)  to be envious(+) /jealous (-) (adj.)E.g.: He’d always looked up to his uncle.

industrious (adj): An industrious person works hard:
E.g.: an industrious worker
E.g.: She’s extremely competent and industrious.

attitude (n): 1-态度, a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this:
E.g.: It’s often very difficult to change people’s attitudes.
E.g.: He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.

mid-range salary -中档工资

emigrate (v)移居国外, to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one:
E.g.: Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.
E.g.: Thousands of Britons emigrate every year.

immigrate (v): 移民 to come to live in a different country:
E.g.: He immigrated with his parents in 1895 and grew up on Long Island.

to go ABROAD

up to preposition (RESPONSIBILITY)be up to sb-to be the responsibility of someone:
E.g.: It’s up to the manager to make the final decision.
E.g.: It was up to me….

critical thinking-批判性思维, the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you

Trustworthy (adj)-可信赖的
E.g.: In this job we need someone who is entirely honest and trustworthy.