F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Speaking exercise

It is a great knowledge to manage your assessments well. 

—–> It takes wisdom/knowledge/experience to manage your financial assets / resources.

—–> It takes ________ to manage your assets well.

  1. great amount of hard work
  2. wisdom
  3. experience

She did / She didn’t –> present/ past tense

—-> What are the habits of a person?


ignorance = 无知

stereotypes = 定型

ex. The numerous stereotypes of the Chinese people by those who from outside of China, involve: Dragons, Chopsticks, Martial Arts/Kung Fu, Noodles, rice fields, Fortune Cookies…. the list goes on and on.

pro.  STARE-ee-oo-types

generalization = 推广

$ tipping = a practice of giving out extra money to certain workers , 小费

ex. She was in the practice of giving large tips when she went out to eat or have drinks.

water cycle = 水循环

Ex. the Water cycle is important to learn for science

surrounded = 包围

Japan is surrounded by the Ocean.

humidity = chao shi

ex. The humidity in Shanghai is higher than other places because it is located on the Sea.

precipitation = 降水

ex. The rain is a form of precipitation.

ex. Snow falling in the mountains is a form of solid precipitation.


fluctuation / fluctuation: to continue changing , up/down

——> The water falling from the sky is changing in it’s amounts today ——> Today’s precipitation is fluctuating. 

That’s makes sense —> That is reasonable/fair/understandable.