F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S+R)


Homework: Read up on your badass buddies coming out of Portland, OR

Speaking exercise

Slang = “bitching” or “badass”= that is cool in the 1970s and 1990s versions

buddies = friends —> Hey, buddy! Hey, bud/dude!

I saw a show once and once —->

  • I enjoy seeing shows over and over again. (to repeat)
  • I go to shows multiple times… again and again 再次. On and On. 

My form of art was involving the outdoors. 我的艺术形式涉及户外。

  • form …. =
    • behavior
    • way
    • method
  • style (facon)

Life is Art…. I like to travel with friends / companions / buddy/ buddies / mates.


wood carving and wood working = 木雕

Performance arts = 表演艺术

ex. I am really interested in the performance arts.

to draw —> past tense = I drew

Ex. I drew the David statue when I was in University.

Opera singing 歌剧唱歌

ex. I know international opera.

Phantom of the Opera 歌剧的幽灵

ex. Phantom of the Opera is French.

“break the fourth wall”  = 打破第四道墙

ex. Breaking the fourth wall is a phrase 一个短语  about describing a style of theatrical performance, which occurs when the audience is engaged with the actors.

audience immersion –  观众沉浸式

immersive – 身临其境


Drawing   vs Driving 

ex. when I was a student I drew him…. 

the W is softer DRAW —> DRAHHHH 

Wing – Wuh ING 


Opera vs.  Oprah Winfrey 🙂

ex. I was dra –  ing Oprah Winfrey doing Opera.