F2F Class Notes (Kyle) [S + W]

Speaking exercise

Recently, my wife and I took our car in to the to repair shop. Then, the mechanic said that we need to fix the car and it would be very expensive. If we don’t fix the car then it would become dangerous. However it would be too expensive to fix the car, so my wife and I decided to sell it. We bought a used car, but its new for us !


—> Conditionals: would, could, should, might

—-> If __________ then it would ________ . = expressing Possibility / Conditions. .

example. If we don’t fix the car then it would/will become dangerous.

example. If we fix the car then it would be safe/would not be dangerous.

example. If my wife doesn’t show up at not in the school to pick up my daughter then she would become very anxious.

will = Future +positive %99 .   [If …. then… will…]

example. In China, if a company shows a big vision to their employees then they will create that vision into reality.

—> This car that we just bought is a temporary vehicle. We plan to keep it for just a year and a half. 

—-> in the past…. currently/recently …. and in the future (last chance for explaining time)


to yawn = to open the mouth when you are tired, uncontrollable

to take my daughter to school and to pick up from school

Likewise = to be equal, I feel the same way as you

goggles = a form of eye protection

full face helmet = full head protection.

visor = the plastic eye cover attached to the helmet

new vs used (second hand)=

Writing exercise

Edited Version:

During the medieval times, there was an impolite duke in a small country in the Northern hemisphere. People
didn’t like him because he was not a kindness prime minister, he gave people impression of being very aggressive and self-important.
On the other hand/ However, in this country there was also have a merchant, (he) who was liked singing very much. His lyrics were about courageous people who are in the depress
One day, the country want to find a candidate who will delegate the country to negotiate the resources which are using wheat to exchange som thing they need.
The duke want to win the victory,so he let a guy to burn the warehouse
and try to frame the merchant. But a waitress who was work in duke house told him. Therefore the conspiracy was not work out.