F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


Adverbs: can add a description to a Verb or an Adjective. You can make easily, with adjective + -ly.

—–> cannot be used with verb: to be 

completely, slowly, fastly –-> quickly , kindly, totally, professionally, loudly, quietly, noisily, curiously, potentially, 

ex. completely – adverb, The complete (adjective) story. She completely told me the truth.

He didn’t have any successful romantic relationship —-> He was in love with a woman but she didn’t love him back.

His brother was very supportive of him

Object + verb:to be 

to be: was, is, are, were, am  —–> an irregular verb,  不規則動詞 , change the structure

to go: I go, goes, went, going,


Different Verb Tenses : Check this one out and you can review for telling-time !


a safety officer = someone with a job of making things safe for people. (Police man for safe environment)

journalist = ji zhe

the official story = 官方的故事 —> not always the complete Truth

Academic Institutions (Schools): elementary , middle school, High school —> depends on the Country! England/USA/Canada/Australia

In USA, college = university. Europe + Aust., University = Uni.

Van Gogh = famous artist of the Starry Night —> “Van Go ”

Biography = Story about the life of a person

cut off his ear and gave it to a woman =  a  crazy thing to do.

Prostitute = a working who is working in the sex trade, to sell her body for money

U.F.O. = Unidentified Flying Object

Hot Dog = not so healthy snack, poor quality meat with white bread, truly American style.

Point of View = where you are looking from

radar = to see things on the computer for airplanes and such

Needs more review

Major – the subject that you study in university

eg: My major was Chemistry

Industry – a specific business sector (fashion, food, technology, etc)

eg: I work in the fashion industry

In advance – to do something ahead of time